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western civ online blog #20!

chi-cago notes slide 43-52: After the murder Julius caesars grandnephew Octavian takes over makes his on timulative  Mark Antony Lepidus Octavian encourages Lepidus to retire Mark Antony and Octavian become rivals mark Antony teams up with Cleopatra Octavian defeats them at the Battle of Actium Octavian is now in full control takes over the military"imperator" Rome is now an empire not a republic ruled for 40 years established the pax Romana "Roman peace" lasted for over 200 years took over more of Africa established many civil services died of natural causes after this, the age of empowerers began first was Tiberius very good general not so good as a leader after his son died he exiled himself from Rome and passed down the crown died at 77 second was Caligula after Tiberius death, there was a power struggle  Caligula one  very bad tyrant assassinated after only 4 years as emperor third was Claudius ruled from 41A.D. to 51A.D had cerebral palsy pretty good ruler bul

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