Western Civ online Blog #20!
The republic collapses-
- growing unrest
- economic turmoil
- the gap between rich and poor grow
- slaves worked on the rich estates
- enslaved people make up 1/3 of roles population
- poor can compete with the profit margins
- the poor start to sell their properties
- become homeless and move to the city's
- Tiberius and Gaius
- attempt to stop the divide
- civil war after their deaths
- Military upheaval
- military leaders gained more and more power
- soldiers only loyal to their commanders
- Julius ceaser
- Ceaser elected consul in 60B.C.
- takes his legions and conquers Gaul
- marches on Rome chases pompy through Europe and kills him
- the appointed dictator in 44B.C.
- Ruled with absolute power
- makes many reforms
- grants citizenship to more people from different providences
- expands the senate
- increased pay for soldiers
- and established colonies
- ceaser is stabbed to death that same year
- troubled aftermath after ceaser
- Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide
- The roman world
- Rome was the most powerful in the world
- shared their theistic beliefs with Greece
- vivid culture
- gladiator games
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