Western Civ. online school blog #19

The punic wars were fought between Rome and Carthage, an ex Phoenician city-state, from 264 - 146 BCE, within that time period there where three major wars. The first of those wars was called the First Punic War. Most of the battles take place in the waters around the island of Sicily, Rome won this war. The second war was, of course, the second punic war, these names are really original. Enter Hannibal Barbara, a 29-year-old Carthaginian general almost takes Rome, he attacks it from the north after taking the long walk from around Iberia, he also brought war elephants through the Alps. he lays siege to much of the Peninsula for around 15 years however never gets to Rome. So again Rome wins the war. Now its time for the third part of the punic trilogy, what will they name the season-ending war? Why of course the third punic war, I mean what did you expect. This time its Rome that goes on the offensive, they siege Carthage, the capital, and raze it to the ground. They sell nearly 50,000 of the citizens into slavery. Rome annexes the entirety of the Carthaginian homeland and makes it the roman state of Africa. slaves poured into Italia, over a million. 


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