GWestern civ. Online school Day#4!

This event will undoubtedly go down in the history books, something like this is unprecedented. coronavirus or covid-19 is quite the nasty little disseise. while being literally so small light cant bounce off of it, it has systematically infected like what 150000 people now? This disseise IS scary. but that is good, It encourages them to stay home, wash their hands, and do all matter of things to help them be protected.

And then there's me, a 9th grader living in Maryland, a small state in the middle of the east coast of the united states. Ah, the united states the world's most powerful county. our nation is the leader in healthcare standards, military strength, and economy, but all of this can still be so rudely destroyed by a microscopic organism. At this point im asking the question, is it just a natural selection? is nature tired of the human's reign over her planet? so she sends her most loyal soldiers to strike us down before we completely destroy her?

And here I am typing on my computer locked up in my house because it is too risky to even go into public. here I am typing away on a never-ending white document that isn't even real it is just a bunch of code on a computer screen. Here I am. So the answer to the question, do I like cyber school? No, I am an extrovert, I crave human interaction. and yes there is face time and social media. but there is nothing like being in the presence of a friend, the feel of the air, the warmth. I also miss sitting next to the heater in Mr. shicks class. I also miss trying to stay awake in my Spanish class. there is a lot of stuff I miss from school and quite frankly cyber school does not fill that gap.

So will coronavirus go down as the disseizes that destroyed the humans no, And you know why? because of things like cyber school. Cyberschool is one of the best decisions anyone has made thus far on this crisis. So yes our children will be sitting in history classrooms learning about the coronavirus just as we all learn about the classical greeks.

I don't really know why I wrote this, but I did so, uh that's cool. also i tried to use some big words so go easy on me


  1. Lane, PLEASE do a proofreading before you publish! You are a pretty smart student, so I assume you know how to spell words like disease, can't, I'm, and Schick's. You know that you capitalize the first word in a sentence, as well as proper nouns like United States and Greek.

    Write it, then check it, then publish it. PLEASE. Thank you.


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