Western Civ Blog #5!

Hello, Reader, My name is Lane Miller, and today in western civ,  Mr.Shick had us answer some questions from the textbook.

 1.A.mycenaean: The people who were in Greece during the bronze age.
B.Trojan war: The war the greeks had to sack the city-state of troy.
C.Dorian: The people who inhabited Greece after the Mycenaeans left/died.
D.Homer: A blind storyteller.
E.Epic: A Story of heroism.
F.Myth: A rumor that might be true.

3. The greeks nearness to the sea Made them more open to trade and to fish, this lead to economic prosperity throughout Greece. 

4. Some of the cultural aspects that the Mycenaean Greeks adopted from the Minoan greeks where there religious beliefs and there writing system. 

5. The epics were important to the greeks of the Dorian period because they told of greate heroism and that is something that a person can aspire to.


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