Western Civ Blog #7!

Hello reader, my name is Lane Miller, and today in class we talked about the Trojan war, the Minoans, and finally homer.

The Trojan War, Did it actually happen?
Well for starters the greeks fought many wars and the trojan war was thought to be one of there last, being fought around 1200 B.C. However, up to the 19th century,  historians thought that the war never happened because the greeks said that gods got involved in the war. This led to historians believing it was just a myth/epic. But when further excavation was done by the ancient city of troy they found many Grecian artifacts witch pointed to a war happening around that time. But did Afrodite(the goddess of love) really cox Helen into falling in love with Paris thus starting the war, Probably not? However, there is some truth to the tale.

The Dorians, and The Sea people!!!??
The Mycenean civilization was basically destroyed by seaborn raiders by the 1200s. And So a people known as the Dorians moved into the destroyed hillsides maintaining control from 1150-750 B.C. The domains were far less advanced than the Myceneans and the sea-based trading economy basically collapsed, and the Dorians stopped writing down stuff for about 400 years.

The Man, The Myth, The Legend---HOMER!!!
Hold up, Was homer actually real, I mean the man was blind so he had to keep all the stories in his head. Homer lived in the greek dark ages so even if he could see people really didn't write things down so people relied on bards, traveling storie tellers, for entertainment. Homer is attributed to some classics, such as the Illiad, or the odyssey. But the greeks love to embellish their stories and a blind master bard would certainly paint a good look for Grecian culture. 


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