Honors western civ blog post #1!

Hello, Reader, my name is Lane Miller, and this is my first blog post for honors western civilization.

Today in class we talked about summer. the Sumerians were extremely advanced for there time. They where the first people to divide hours into 60 minutes, and then a minute in 60 seconds. This is very revolutionary for the time. They were also the first people to create a calendar based on the cycles of the moon.

One of the ways you can tell that the Sumerians where an advanced civilization is that they had an organized workforce. An organized workforce can be used in many different ways. one of them is building crazy cool temples on hills. The Sumerians called these Ziggurats. These ziggurats were used in festivals and for sacrifices. 

Sumer was conquered by the Akkadians in 2350 B.C., and they replaced the Sumerian gods with there own. One of the Akkadian kings, King Hammurabi, made a series of laws that were called "Hammurabi's code". The basic premise of these laws is that the punishment shall fit the crime. Like some examples would be: if you poke someone's eye out you get yours poked out, "an eye for an eye". 


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