An off topic day

Hey, reader, My name is Lane Miller, and today in western civilization, we struggled to stay on topic. 

Tomorrow we have a quiz in summer, and ancient Mesopotamia. Today was supposed to be us studying for that test. But instead today, there was a rummer that we were supposed to have an evac. drill in that mod. We, of course, did not, but Mr. shick had planned his class that we would go outside like any minute. So we kinda just talked, then someone asked about a course next year. sports broadcasting. He then proceeded to talk about what sports broadcasting was and how we had regular broadcasting last year. he then showed us 3 5 minute long videos that that class had made. Towards the middle of the 3rd one he pointed out a girl that was in the video, she had been on American idol. So, of course, we had to watch the auditions. 

After that, it became obvious that we were not having an evacuation drill that period, so he started going over some quizzlets on the quiz material. after we did a student made one, he found one on the internet. After doing it, it was pretty obvious that it was made as a meme. Like it asked what instrument this person played, the answer was "spoons"?

So other than us getting off the topic I feel prepared for the quiz. 


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