Western civ online school Day #9!

Today Mr shick had us answer three questions about Grecian theater:

1.  Describe the kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of ancient Greece.

There where two main plays that the greeks performed, the comedy and the tragedy. A comedy where well comedic, they where made to make people laugh. Tragedies where entertaining, if anyone has watched  Game of Thrones you can see what I mean. 

2. If you were involved in either of the John Carroll plays this year, or if you have ever been in another play, dance recital, or musical performance, describe the ways that your production resembled ancient Greek productions.

Well yes and no, they certainly didn't have a microphone or complex sound systems, but they still did memorize lines and that kind of stuff. 

3.  Find an online image of a theater from ancient Greece, post it to your blog, and describe it in a few sentences.

As you can see from the image the theater is outside and in an amphitheater-style, this is the semi-circle design you can see. and these things where huge!



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